Sunday, August 30, 2009

finish it in August part 2

I got more stuff done! I got the 2 with checker boards done first.
Then this one.

And 3 like this! All of them are going into the wedding shower stack to wait for new owners. Next up for tomorrow, quilting a king size jewel box on my regular machine. I'm going to do an easy meander which is about all i can handle on a big quilt like that. When the king is done it goes on MY bed! I've gotten 2 quilts for me done already this summer, this will be the 3rd. I feel a little selfish making things for me but I've been quilting for 8 years and did not make any for our bed till about a year ago. I guess it was about time!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Gosh, you've done a GREAT job getting things done! What an accomplishment!