Thursday, November 6, 2008

the weather outside is frightful.....

I was supposed to go to work this morning. Someone had other plans! The wind is blowing about 50 mph and its still snowing. I have no idea how much snow has actually fallen because all I can see is drifts. The second pic was taken out the front window at about 9 am. The first picture is out the garage door. Thats where we always get the worst drift. The car you can almost see belongs to the family in the other half of the duplex.

This is the basement. We have a gap where the house sits on the foundation apparently! we dug out the snow and stuffed the insulation back up in there but the landlord is getting a call about this as soon as the storm is over.

This is my front door. The INSIDE of my front door! The wind is blowing so hard its seeping in through the seal on the screen door.

This is the back yard. At 10 am today. There is another house that we should be able to see over top of this one.

Good day to go sew right?


Jeanne said...

It looks horrid! Stay warm.

swooze said...

Wow! Did the kids get to and from school ok?

Anonymous said...

Oh no, I know that weather is coming here next!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to South Dakota! Now you have had a proper welcome LOL!
For those that were wondering , noone went anywhere today.

Pauline said...

brrrrrrrrrrr glad I live down here at the bottom of the world mate, dont get like that snow...summer is coming for me...yayyyyyyyy